InHKU MedicinebyHKUMedDr Esther Chan Wai-yin— Drug Solutions for Emergencies | 陳慧賢博士 — 急症藥物解決方案"With the good quality data we have, we can do this more efficiently and look at multiple clinical outcomes concurrently."Jul 16, 2020Jul 16, 2020
InHKU MedicinebyHKUMedDr Carmen Wong Chak-lui — Liver Cancer and The Dark Side of Antioxidants | 黃澤蕾博士 — 肝癌與抗氧化劑不為人知的一面Antioxidants have been popularly embraced as a way to combat the free radicals that can harm human cells. But research by Dr Carmen Wong…Jul 22, 2020Jul 22, 2020
InHKU MedicinebyHKUMedDr Stephanie Ma Kwai-yee — Pulling Out the Weeds | 馬桂宜博士 — 削株掘根 剷除癌症Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are like weeds: cutting off the heads will not be enough to kill them, the roots must also be pulled out. Dr…Jul 22, 2020Jul 22, 2020
InHKU MedicinebyHKUMedDr Hannah Hui Xiaoyan — The Fat Buster | 惠曉艷博士 — 脂肪剋星Work by Dr Hannah Hui Xiaoyan is helping to unlock the mechanisms involved and reveal new drug targets to reduce obesity.Aug 4, 2020Aug 4, 2020
InHKU MedicinebyHKUMedUnmasking the Unexpected SuccessThe story behind one of the most highly cited research conducted on face masks. We speak to Dr Nancy Leung from HKUMed on her 2020 study.Nov 5, 2020Nov 5, 2020
InHKU MedicinebyHKUMedHKUMed Researcher Wins Chinese Prize for Women ScientistsAt the age of around four, Dr Maria Zhu Huachen was intrigued by a picture of a man in white lab coat holding a test tube and flask that…Nov 10, 2021Nov 10, 2021
InHKU MedicinebyHKUMedBridging the Gaps in Our Understanding of MemoryIt was during her PhD studying memory loss in Alzheimer’s patients that Dr Cora Lai began to question just how these memories were laid…Apr 29, 2022Apr 29, 2022
InHKU MedicinebyHKUMed‘My students are my teachers and my driving force’ — 135 Years of Mentor-Mentee Relationships at…HKUMed’s laboratories serve as both venues for new scientific discoveries and settings for researchers to support and inspire the next…Jul 26, 2022Jul 26, 2022
InHKU MedicinebyHKUMed【HKUMed 135良師醫友】黃澤蕾 × 袁瑋軒:結伴前行才能走得更遠醫學教育行的是師徒制,説起「師父」與「徒弟」,不少人都會有年老長輩一臉嚴肅地教育青澀青年的印象。但其實新一代的師徒,早已打破了這樣的框框,相處模式亦變得越來越像朋友。Jul 27, 2022Jul 27, 2022
InHKU MedicinebyHKUMedHarnessing Local Data to Inform Decision-Making in Critical CareEthical discussions are a crucial part of Dr Pauline Yeung’s routine as a critical care doctor treating patients at a “brittle” time in…Aug 16, 2022Aug 16, 2022
InHKU MedicinebyHKUMedHow a Simple Suggestion Helped Forge a Strong Bond — 135 Years of Mentor-Mentee Relationships at…HKUMed’s teachers and students often form mentor-mentee bonds that help them achieve more fulfilling careers.Aug 25, 2022Aug 25, 2022
InHKU MedicinebyHKUMedHKUMed Researcher Dives into Big Data to Improve Hong Kong HealthcareFrom assessing COVID-19 vaccine safety to predicting heart attack risk, Dr Celine Chui has spent a decade unravelling Hong Kong’s health…Nov 15, 2022Nov 15, 2022
InHKU MedicinebyHKUMed【HKUMed 135良師醫友】邱瑋璇 x 余懿德﹕無所不談的師徒之情港大醫學院135年來一直致力提供醫學教育,培育下一代成為專業醫學人才。醫學院師生間的互動,亦成就多段緊密的師徒關係,同時促進學生的職業生涯發展。Dec 9, 2022Dec 9, 2022
InHKU MedicinebyHKUMed【HKUMed135良師醫友】陳嘉倫 X 翁淑菲:生命影響生命港大醫學院歷年來培育無數人才投身醫護專業。導師的教學熱誠和專業態度,往往是影響學生行醫之路的重要因素,甚至為有意擔當起春風化雨角色的同學帶來啟蒙,啟迪他們建立教導後輩的方法,薪火相傳。Jan 17, 2023Jan 17, 2023